Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Feelin' HOT HOT HOT....

Well, after a long, if relatively uneventful day of travel we've eventually arrived at the Hotel. The flight over seemed to fly by (no pun intended), possibly due to the fact that for the first time in living memory i actually got a seat with legroom!

Bizarre fact of the day is that Bruce Dickinson, former lead singer of 70s and 80s rock legends Iron Maiden, was the pilot of our flight. This has led me to believe that the last minute costs panics were caused not by a charter cancellation but the desire of IGAM to ensure we get celebrity pilots in order to make us feel special. Chris Quine reckons we've got Jade Goody on the way back, so we'll be nice and safe then...

Its hard to judge just how hot its going to be tomorrow morning, but at present its around 25 degrees i reckon (10.23pm) and showing no signs of relenting. Everyone is safe and well - Mikey Haslett is using an icepack on his sore knee but thankfully is more than optimistic of being fully fit by the time of his heats early in the schedule. Everyone is pretty tired so i don't think there'll be too many intentional late nights - the heat may have other ideas on people's desire to get a good night though.

The majority of us are heading down to the track early tomorrow to get a feel for track and early morning conditions, vital for the morning heats next week. We're due to get up at 6am (4am UK time), so spare a thought for us poor souls slapping on the suntan lotion early doors ready for a hard day in the sun... ;oP

I'll give you an update tomorrow folks, as i said earlier please let me know if you have any questions/suggestions and i'll do my best...

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